Cough syrup is a drug in liquid form. Likewise, alcohol is a drug in liquid form.
So why do we think of alcohol differently than we do other drugs? Why does our culture put it into a totally different category? Some say, “alcohol is legal” but so are other over the counter meds that come in pill or liquid form.
Why do we separate “alcohol” from “drugs” when it IS a drug?
Alcohol is a drug in liquid form in the same way that cough syrup that contains codeine is a drug in liquid form AND like coffee contains a DRUG (caffeine) in liquid form.
Wikipedia states, “Caffeine is a bitter, white crystalline xanthine alkaloid that acts as a psychoactive stimulant drug and a mild diuretic.”
So why do we put alcohol and (coffee) in a different category when we use the terminology “alcohol and drugs”? Isn’t that redundant since alcohol is a drug?
Socially, alcohol is acceptable.
Legally, it is approved so long as you don’t harm others while it is in your system.
Biblically, God says not to be drunk with wine because it leads to utter ruin, and He warns us in many ways of the real and devastating consequences of drunkenness throughout the Scriptures.
What is at the “heart” of our using the terms that we use in modern society? Are we trying to convey truth or are we deceiving ourselves?
-Mark (Remembering that words are important because by our words we will be justified and by our words we will be condemned)