Did They Hit “Rock Bottom” Yet?

Did They Hit “Rock Bottom” Yet?

by Shaw, McMurry, and TAC Team “Well, she just hasn’t hit rock bottom yet. Let her go. She’s going to hit a rock bottom one of these days…” There are people who have false hope in that line of thinking. The “Hitting Rock Bottom” phrase is the idea that...
Pleasing People and the Wisdom of God

Pleasing People and the Wisdom of God

Diving into Proverbs 29:25- part 1 By Dr. Mark E. Shaw (with TAC Team) Can I please God and make people happy, too? It’s not wrong to do good for others and want to please them, is it? I usually just want to do good things or say good things to make other people feel...
Resurrection Hope for Addiction

Resurrection Hope for Addiction

By Dr. Mark E. Shaw with TAC Team For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. Colossians 1:19-20 (ESV)[1] The “hypostatic...
Top 3 Podcasts of 2023

Top 3 Podcasts of 2023

By Dr. Mark E. Shaw, with TAC TEAM The Addiction Connection released 35 podcasts in 2023. We started as a listener only podcast and now we have advanced to having videography at all our podcasts so you can listen and watch as I interact with guests. It’s a lot of fun!...
Can Anything Be an “Addiction”?

Can Anything Be an “Addiction”?

by Shaw, McMurry, and TAC Team Whenever Jesus mentions drunkenness in the Bible, it’s important to take a good look at the context. Luke 21 is chocked full of warnings about the future, and this is one place Jesus brings up a warning about being drunk....
How to Fight Internet & Gaming Addiction

How to Fight Internet & Gaming Addiction

by Shaw, McMurry, and TAC Team Video Gaming! Is it a disease—a disorder? Is it compulsive? Can we use the word “addiction” for excessive video game playing? Dr. Mark E. Shaw and CJ McMurry recently discussed these prevalent issues on TAC’s podcast and discerned for us...
Tribute to Lou Priolo

Tribute to Lou Priolo

Lou Priolo passed into glory today, as they say, and he could not be in a better place so I rejoice for his gain. I am confident that he is now with the Lord.  “Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord.” (2 Cor....
What if I Don’t Feel Qualified?

What if I Don’t Feel Qualified?

By: TAC TEAM Dr. Kevin Carson recently sat down and took the pilot’s seat on The Addiction Connection Podcast turning the tables to ask Dr. Mark E. Shaw the frequently asked questions, apprehensions, and yes, even frustrations, that many local pastors have as they try...

Naloxone Cannot Reverse Every Overdose

By TAC TEAM with Dr. Mark E. Shaw The death certificate from the coroner explains what physically happened – death occurred after this individual stopped breathing and cardiac arrest followed; fentanyl was found in his system, along with alcohol, and marijuana. But...
EASTER: The Spiritual Super Bowl

EASTER: The Spiritual Super Bowl

Although some may find it surprising and unconventional to compare the Christian celebration of Easter to the Super Bowl, both hold enormous significance and provide unique opportunities for celebration and community-building among their respective audiences....

Wisdom About Wine

-by Mark E. Shaw with T.A.C. Team LINK to full PODCAST #199 entitled  “Wine is a Mocker” “Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise.” (Proverbs 20:1, ESV) Human beings like to celebrate. We look for excuses to celebrate the...

5 Highlights of 2022

1. We Gathered What a blessing to gather with like-minded women and men at our 6th Annual TAC Leadership Summit to learn from, encourage, and connect with each other this year! To watch the sessions from past Summits, click here! SAVE THE DATE for next year:...
Prayers Answered and Ongoing Prayer Requests

Prayers Answered and Ongoing Prayer Requests

Earlier this year on 2-22-2022, we posted 22 ways to pray for TAC. God answered these prayers and some of them are ongoing so we are asking you to end the year 2022 by praying again for them. Join us in praying for God to be glorified in and through T.A.C. in the...

How I Got Addicted

(written with the assistance of  T.A.C. team)   Our circumstances squeeze out what is already in our hearts. How are we dealing with stress in life? What do we do when life doesn’t go our way?  Where do we go with our pain and suffering? Answers to these...
Celebrating 10 Years of Ministry!

Celebrating 10 Years of Ministry!

For over 10 years, The Addiction Connection has been offering genuinely biblical resources. In celebration of a decade in ministry, we want to share 10 ways we continue to Connect the Hope of the Gospel with the Heart of Addiction: 1. Free podcasts on current...

Removing the Stigma of Addiction

By TAC TEAM with Dr. Mark E. Shaw Our recent fictional scenarios explained that: John (age 36), Jake (age 15), and Donnie (age 21) are pursuing the best version of themselves today, but sadly, this could be their final day on earth. They may not be aware that fentanyl...

Fentanyl, Death, and Eternal Life (part 3)

By TAC TEAM with Dr. Mark E. Shaw Part 3 of 3 John, Jake, and Donnie are all in danger of dying in the fentanyl epidemic, but how will we pursue them and what message are we going to proclaim to them? Harm reduction methods say: “Be safe!” “Take care!” “Use with a...

Fentanyl, Death, and Eternal Life (2 of 3)

By TAC Team with Dr. Mark E. Shaw (Part 2 of 3)   In our part 1 post, you read the fictional scenarios about: John (age 36) is seeking same high from his usual drug of choice from one of his usual dealers. Jake (age 15) is trying out a new vape for the first time...
Fentanyl, Death, and Eternal Life (1 of 3)

Fentanyl, Death, and Eternal Life (1 of 3)

by TAC TEAM with Dr. Mark E. Shaw Part 1 (of 3) John (age 36) is seeking the same high from his usual drug of choice from one of his usual dealers. Jake (age 15) is experimenting with vaping for the first time. His friend at school gives it to him so he can “stay...
Does Deep Brain Stimulation Cure Addiction?

Does Deep Brain Stimulation Cure Addiction?

By Dr. Mark Shaw Desperation.[1] That’s what seems to be driving the three persons who have submitted to a surgical brain procedure called DBS to potentially solve their cravings for illicit drugs. DBS stands for Deep Brain Stimulation: a nickel sized hole is cut into...


-by TAC TEAM The founder of The Addiction Connection, Dr. Mark E. Shaw, hosted Oliver Underwood of The Damascus House on TAC’s podcast entitled “Habakkuk and Addiction” (#149). Underwood leads a men’s residential program for addiction that is recommended by The...
What Should the Church Do About Addiction?

What Should the Church Do About Addiction?

It’s Christmas Eve and yet I cannot get over the fact that fentanyl is reportedly the #1 killer for people ages 18-45 according to the CDC. People seek their usual drug of choice only to discover too late that it was fentanyl laced—that’s what is killing...
Addicts Make the Best Evangelists

Addicts Make the Best Evangelists

Guest Post by Josh Brunk, Executive Director of Village Mercy Ministries “Addicts make the best evangelists.” This was my introduction to Dr. Mark Shaw when he visited The Mission House in Port Orchard, Washington. He spoke this to encourage those of us in the...
Obtain an Addictions Counseling Specialization

Obtain an Addictions Counseling Specialization

As you may have heard in today’s podcast, we are thrilled to announce the launch of Addictions Counseling Specialization: Education Phase online course, created in collaboration with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC) and Grace Counseling...