New series starts tomorrow!

I decided to write a quick, 5 part series on the marks I look for in a transforming “addict” that begins tomorrow. Every other day, there will be a new blog on the mentalities of an “addict” and the opposite mind of Christ that we strive to see...

No Greater Love for “Addicts”

I love our Savior: Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13) What greater love can someone offer another person than to lay down His life and that’s precisely what Jesus did for sinners which includes...

Salvation AND Sanctification

I think we make the mistake of emphasizing salvation and the power of the Gospel to save over and above the power of the Holy Spirit to sanctify His people. I say that because I hear so many salvation messages preached to saved people who need to hear sanctification...

The Loving Call to Repent

It continues to amaze me how prevalent the victim mentality is being PROMOTED in our culture. Since Genesis 3:12-13 when Adam and Eve interacted with God’s counsel to them regarding their sin, all of the offspring of our first parents continue to look for ways...

The Sin of Petraeus

Our culture continues to re-label sin. Such concepts as stealing and being a thief are now called “kleptomania” in certain cases. In the news now, General Petraeus “had an affair” which sounds so fun, innocent, and romantic. Biblically,...

The Message

In Mark 6:7-13, Jesus sent His disciples out two by two with specific instructions: And he called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits. 8 He charged them to take nothing for their journey except a staff—no...