Dangerous Doctrine

I read this mission statement from an organization that offers psychological care and training to the CHURCH. They are seeking to integrate psychological ideas of mankind (many of which oppose the Word of God) with biblical truths. Here is what they believe (from...

Where is Jesus right now?

You hear people say that “Jesus is in your heart” but is He really? Where is Jesus now? In my heart? No, in bodily form, Jesus is not inside of me! Jesus has a new body after His resurrection! Buddha died. Other false gods and prophets died, too. Jesus...


I was reading through Lamentations and considering this very tragic book of the Bible. The book is one of the most depressing books of the Bible because it deals with the justice of God to punish sinners, even His own chosen people, the Israelites. It’s a sad...

Billy Bob Thornton’s quote

Read in the November 26, 2010, Birmingham News a quote from Billy Bob Thornton that revealed his worldview. He was talking about the characters in his new movie called “Faster” (not an endorsement of the movie, by the way, although it might be ok, just...

Is TIL a church?

I know that many of you are going to balk at that question: Is TIL a church? Well, what is a church? A building? No. It’s the body of Christ. Can an unbeliever be in the church? No, not in the body of Christ. No one who is an unbeliever is in the body of Christ...