Does Lindsay Lohan have a disease of addiction?

We need to pray for Ms. Lohan to find Christ. What does she need more: “recovery” from drugs in this life OR eternal life through Christ in the next life? For Christians, the answer is obvious because we believe in the afterlife of living in new bodies...

Calling Evil Good

Isaiah 5:20 says this: Woe to those who call evil good           and good evil,      who put darkness for light           and light for darkness,      who put bitter for sweet           and sweet for bitter! Sadly, our culture continues to call evil things...


Everyone lives by faith. Everyone. People are either living by faith in mankind or faith in God. But everyone lives by faith. For those who are trusting in mankind, it is a sad existence. They keep hoping for man to be redemptive and instead, mankind fails them. Crime...

C.S. Lewis quotes

I listened to several teachings and sermons one week and I must’ve heard every one of them give at least one C.S. Lewis quote in each of those lessons. C.S. Lewis – what a thinker! We love to read him today but would we want C.S. Lewis in our churches?...