by Mark Shaw | Oct 25, 2023 | TAC Blog
By: TAC TEAM Dr. Kevin Carson recently sat down and took the pilot’s seat on The Addiction Connection Podcast turning the tables to ask Dr. Mark E. Shaw the frequently asked questions, apprehensions, and yes, even frustrations, that many local pastors have as they try...
by Mark Shaw | Oct 11, 2023 | Addiction, podcast, TAC Blog
By: TAC TEAM Transformed by Christ many years ago from a lifestyle of addictive behaviors, CJ McMurry quickly says he is not an expert on magic mushrooms. Being touted as the new cure for just about any mental or behavioral ailment, and now being sold and experimented...
by Mark Shaw | Sep 2, 2023 | Addiction, Church Life, Disciple-Making, Posts by Mark, TAC Blog
Dr. Mark E. Shaw was recently interviewed by “Community Bridge” on Family Radio. He joins us today to reflect on some of the topics covered in that conversation. An element of pinpointed discipleship. That’s what biblical counseling for addictions...
by Mark Shaw | Aug 31, 2023 | TAC Blog, Update
by TAC TEAM If you attended the 7th annual Summit of The Addiction Connection held on August 3-5, 2023, in Cincinnati, OH, you were blessed with a God-glorifying, Christ-exalting event with like-minded brothers and sisters in Christ from around the U.S., Canada, and...
by Mark Shaw | Aug 13, 2023 | TAC Blog, Uncategorized
Psychedelics? Like magic mushrooms and LSD of the 60’s – to “treat” people suffering from sadness that doesn’t get helped by current medicines? Are you serious? That was my first reaction when I read about the new “treatment” for human suffering and sadness....
by Mark Shaw | Jun 1, 2023 | Addiction Counselor Training, Disciple-Making, TAC Blog
By: Dr. Mark E. Shaw There is no need to follow the world’s example of counseling if you are a biblical counselor doing the strenuous work of addiction counseling. What do I mean? Traditional Counseling The world’s model of counseling pairs one counselor to work with...
by Mark Shaw | Apr 25, 2023 | Posts by Mark, TAC Blog
By TAC TEAM with Dr. Mark E. Shaw The death certificate from the coroner explains what physically happened – death occurred after this individual stopped breathing and cardiac arrest followed; fentanyl was found in his system, along with alcohol, and marijuana. But...
by Mark Shaw | Apr 20, 2023 | Uncategorized
by Mark Shaw | Apr 20, 2023 | TAC Blog
You’re not alone in addiction ministry! We’ve always been about relationships — And this will only help foster those. Now, join The Addiction Connection Discord server and network with the real people in TAC! It is open to everyone now — click the...
by Mark Shaw | Apr 15, 2023 | Posts by Mark, TAC Blog, Vs. Psychology
By Dr. Mark E. Shaw, with assistance from TAC TEAM “Is Addiction a Disease?” is one of the most commonly asked questions. In Part 1, Cassie[1] was told that her son has a brain disease that caused him to stay in his addictive lifestyle. At first it made...
by Mark Shaw | Apr 1, 2023 | Posts by Mark, TAC Blog
Cassie[1] was told that her son has a brain disease that caused him to stay in his addictive lifestyle. At first it made her feel some relief that she was not the cause of her son’s behavior. After all, she could not control what he did no matter what she said or did....
by Mark Shaw | Mar 14, 2023 | TAC Blog, Teaching
By Dr. Howard Eyrich Featured image Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash I Samuel 7 Introduction Israel had become addicted to idolatry–foreign gods. Though “the word of Samuel came to all Israel” (4:1), (ESV*) they persisted in idolatry for the first twenty years...
by Shirley Crowder | Mar 1, 2023 | TAC Blog
Although some may find it surprising and unconventional to compare the Christian celebration of Easter to the Super Bowl, both hold enormous significance and provide unique opportunities for celebration and community-building among their respective audiences....
by Mark Shaw | Feb 5, 2023 | Posts by Mark, TAC Blog
-by Mark E. Shaw with T.A.C. Team LINK to full PODCAST #199 entitled “Wine is a Mocker” “Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise.” (Proverbs 20:1, ESV) Human beings like to celebrate. We look for excuses to celebrate the...
by Mark Shaw | Jan 23, 2023 | TAC Blog, Uncategorized
1. We Gathered What a blessing to gather with like-minded women and men at our 6th Annual TAC Leadership Summit to learn from, encourage, and connect with each other this year! To watch the sessions from past Summits, click here! SAVE THE DATE for next year:...
by Mark Shaw | Dec 12, 2022 | TAC Blog
Earlier this year on 2-22-2022, we posted 22 ways to pray for TAC. God answered these prayers and some of them are ongoing so we are asking you to end the year 2022 by praying again for them. Join us in praying for God to be glorified in and through T.A.C. in the...
by Mark Shaw | Nov 19, 2022 | TAC Blog
(written with the assistance of T.A.C. team) Our circumstances squeeze out what is already in our hearts. How are we dealing with stress in life? What do we do when life doesn’t go our way? Where do we go with our pain and suffering? Answers to these...
by Mark Shaw | Oct 18, 2022 | TAC Blog
For over 10 years, The Addiction Connection has been offering genuinely biblical resources. In celebration of a decade in ministry, we want to share 10 ways we continue to Connect the Hope of the Gospel with the Heart of Addiction: 1. Free podcasts on current...
by Mark Shaw | Sep 25, 2022 | TAC Blog
By TAC TEAM with Dr. Mark E. Shaw Our recent fictional scenarios explained that: John (age 36), Jake (age 15), and Donnie (age 21) are pursuing the best version of themselves today, but sadly, this could be their final day on earth. They may not be aware that fentanyl...
by Mark Shaw | Sep 24, 2022 | TAC Blog
By TAC TEAM with Dr. Mark E. Shaw Part 3 of 3 John, Jake, and Donnie are all in danger of dying in the fentanyl epidemic, but how will we pursue them and what message are we going to proclaim to them? Harm reduction methods say: “Be safe!” “Take care!” “Use with a...