Expect a miracle!

How many of you are familiar with the story of Lazarus found in John 11? When you read this chapter of God’s Word, what questions or thoughts come to mind? I have read this story on more than one occasion. Only recently has God opened my eyes to an awesome...

Get plugged in….

Have you ever heard someone say, that you need to get plugged in? In the world of wireless devices and portable everything, doesn’t it seem odd that we use the phrase “get plugged in”. Maybe somehow we know deep down, that the only way to really...

Darwin Day? (part 2)

Who’s image are you made in? Genesis 1:27 tells me: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” – The Holy Bible : English standard version. 2001 (electronic ed.) . Good News...

Forgiveness (part 8)

Like in the Old Testament, there are 3 words for forgiveness in the New Testament. These terms suggest that forgiveness is granted based upon human repentance.  Eph. 4:32 says: “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ...

Forgiveness (part 7)

In the Old Testament, there are 3 words for “forgiveness.” Guess what? All 3 are conditional upon repentance! This makes sense when you remember that Israelites sacrificed animals and shed their blood for the remission of their sins. God is JUST. He must...

Forgiveness (part 6)

In scenario #2, the BROTHER or SISTER in Christ repents. So what do we do now? Simply, forgive them. Grant them the gift of forgiveness, which is a promise not to bring it up to 1) yourself, 2) bring it up to the offender, and 3) bring it up to a third, uninvolved...

Forgiveness (part 5)

If we are the offended party, how are we to forgive the offender according to Luke 17:3-10 & Matthew 18:15-20? Here are the only two possible scenarios: 1) The offender is NOT repentant. 2) The offender is repentant. In both cases, the offender is a BROTHER or...

Repentance is GOOD

I love repentance. What a gift from God according to Rom. 2:4! God is patient with us all. Let me encourage you: confess your sins to God. Ask for Him to forgive you – not based upon your own good deeds, but upon THE greatest “good deed” of the...

Forgiveness (part 4)

If we are the offended party, how are we to forgive the offender? Here are the only two possible scenarios: 1) The offender is NOT repentant. 2) The offender is repentant. In scenario #1, we are required to have a FORGIVING SPIRIT (or attitude) toward the person. If...

Forgiveness (part 3)

Forgiveness by God is conditional. It is conditional upon Christ first and our repentance and faith in Him alone second. By definition, forgiveness involves 2 persons. One must be the offender and one must be the offended. In our salvation experience, God was the...

Forgiveness (part 2)

I left you hanging yesterday. Sorry about that! When we talk about forgiveness, we must understand that it is relational between at least 2 persons. God is a personal God – He is a Person. How does He forgive us? Unconditionally? No. Because of our disobedience...