A challenging song

An older gentleman in my church congregation read me this old song when I visited him a few days ago. It convicted me personally so I thought I would “blog” it for you to read. It made me think. See if it challenges you, too!             IF JESUS CAME TO YOUR HOUSE  ...

Excitement fills the air!!!!!

We are so excited about the birth and development of this ministry! In fact, on SATURDAY AUGUST 16th, join us as we celebrate what God is doing through Truth in Love’s first few months of ministering to hurting souls. Our gathering will be at Highland Lakes...

I Thessalonians 5:11-23

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard amoung you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their...

Please pray for Cierra in Tanzania, Africa

While most people are celebrating the fourth of July tomorrow, my sister Cierra will be on a plane headed for Tanzania, Africa.  She is going with a group of 9 individuals from Lakeview Baptist Church in Auburn, Alabama to minister to local people they have...

Covered in Prayer!

Last Friday, we had an incredible day of biblical counseling. One major factor of our success was likely due to our prayer covering! Our volunteers prayed for this ministry’s labor all day long. We dedicated ourselves to the “work” of prayer before,...