Doing the work of DISCIPLESHIP

We are so grateful for the 10 volunteers who continue to work hard at moving this ministry forward. We have been able to serve 25 people in merely 8 days of providing biblical counseling at 2 church locations. We have 4 marriages that are healing/reconciling and have...


Today, a person we were privileged to counsel repented and trusted in Christ alone for eternal life!!!!!!!!!!!! We are not going to stop there as now we are going to pair this person with a more mature believer for discipleship in continued counseling meetings! This...

Simple Core Values!

I urge you to go to our “Statement of Faith” page to read the TIL Core Values. We try to keep things simple at TIL (which is very difficult to do these days); however, I think these core values are quite simple yet powerful nonetheless. We cannot take...

the Hand of God

We are seeing the Lord’s Hand of blessing upon this ministry daily! Recently, one person that we have been working with now has a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ by God’s grace!!!! WOW. What a blessing for us to see fruit so early in this...

SHOUT to the Lord!

What a blast I have had this week being surrounded by pastors and church planters looking to serve God all over the world! Our church, hosted this year’s ARC Conference. The Association of Related Churches is believing God to plant...

First Day on the New Job

Had a VERY productive day today – my first official day as a full-time Truth in Love “employee.” It’s been great! We are already seeing fruit in our ministry as one family we ministered to today is RECONCILING their marriage after a...

Off and Running!

So Friday April 4th we had our second Friday of counseling at Philadelphia Baptist Church.  God is so good!  Mark, Hope and I met before counseling began to discuss the ministry, counseling exams, and various to-do’s.  It is exciting to see how God is bringing...