Fentanyl, Death, and Eternal Life (2 of 3)

By TAC Team with Dr. Mark E. Shaw (Part 2 of 3)   In our part 1 post, you read the fictional scenarios about: John (age 36) is seeking same high from his usual drug of choice from one of his usual dealers. Jake (age 15) is trying out a new vape for the first time...
Fentanyl, Death, and Eternal Life (1 of 3)

Fentanyl, Death, and Eternal Life (1 of 3)

by TAC TEAM with Dr. Mark E. Shaw Part 1 (of 3) John (age 36) is seeking the same high from his usual drug of choice from one of his usual dealers. Jake (age 15) is experimenting with vaping for the first time. His friend at school gives it to him so he can “stay...
Does Deep Brain Stimulation Cure Addiction?

Does Deep Brain Stimulation Cure Addiction?

By Dr. Mark Shaw Desperation.[1] That’s what seems to be driving the three persons who have submitted to a surgical brain procedure called DBS to potentially solve their cravings for illicit drugs. DBS stands for Deep Brain Stimulation: a nickel sized hole is cut into...
EASTER: Meditations for Addicts Week 7

EASTER: Meditations for Addicts Week 7

By TAC Team: Some content has been paraphrased from Miss Shirley Crowder’s and Dr. Mark Shaw’s Podcast Conversation about the book EASTER: Meditations for Addict, available at Amazon here April 2022 – Podcast #157 “Easter – Week 7” Can God Really Rescue Someone...

EASTER: Meditations for Addicts Week 6

By TAC Team: summarized, and paraphrased from Miss Shirley Crowder and Dr. Mark Shaw’s Podcast Conversation about the book EASTER: Meditations for Addict, available at Amazon here April 2022 –  Podcast #156 “Easter- Week 6” Did Jesus really rise from the dead? In...

EASTER: Meditations for Addicts Week 5

By TAC Team: summarized, and paraphrased from Miss Shirley Crowder and Dr. Mark Shaw’s Podcast Conversation about the book EASTER: Meditations for Addict, available at Amazon April 2022 –  Podcast #155 “Easter- Week 5” How Much Did Salvation Cost? All through...
EASTER: Meditations for Addicts – Week 4

EASTER: Meditations for Addicts – Week 4

By TAC Team (based on teaching from Miss Shirley Crowder and Dr. Mark Shaw’s Podcast Conversation)-April 2022 –  Podcast #154 “Easter week 4” “Do you know the Jesus about whom you’ve been reading?” “After singing a hymn, they went out to the Mount of...
EASTER: Meditations for Addicts Week 3 (Part 2)

EASTER: Meditations for Addicts Week 3 (Part 2)

By TAC Team (based on teaching from Miss Shirley Crowder and Dr. Mark Shaw’s Podcast Conversation)-March 2022 –  Podcast #153 “Easter week 3” What Does “The Lord’s Supper” Mean? – Part 2 of 2 Missed Part 1? Click here to read now The Passover celebration of the Jewish...

EASTER: Meditations for Addicts Week 2

By TAC Team   John 12:12-13 ESV “The next day the large crowd that had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord,...

EASTER: Meditations for Addicts Week 1

by TAC Team EASTER: Meditations for Addicts was written by Dr. Mark E. Shaw and Shirley Crowder and is part of a series along with the book ADVENT: Meditations for Addicts. Shirley is a co-founder of this ministry with Dr. Shaw and serves as The Addiction Connection’s...


-by TAC TEAM The founder of The Addiction Connection, Dr. Mark E. Shaw, hosted Oliver Underwood of The Damascus House on TAC’s podcast entitled “Habakkuk and Addiction” (#149). Underwood leads a men’s residential program for addiction that is recommended by The...
Jesus is Better

Jesus is Better

Hebrews 1:1-4 ESV [1] “1 Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. 3 He is the radiance...
Worldview Determines the “Cure” for Addiction

Worldview Determines the “Cure” for Addiction

Can brain surgery solve a person’s addiction problem? Read WORLD Magazine’s February 23, 2022 article by Addie Michaelian here! Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is a new, highly experimental brain surgery that attempts to regulate one’s cravings, or what...
Fentanyl On the Rise: What the Local Church Can Offer

Fentanyl On the Rise: What the Local Church Can Offer

by Dr. Mark E. Shaw (with TAC Team) The issue of fentanyl is getting significantly worse over time – it killed 40,000 people in 2021. This DEA report is information from the graphs and statistics that the CDC collects (read more). Why is fentanyl on the rise? It is...