TAC Logo: Meaning and Explanation (2022)

TAC Logo: Meaning and Explanation (2022)

The Cross is central to the message of the Gospel. The Addiction Connection (TAC) logo is a symbol intended to start conversations about “The Hope of the Gospel for the Heart of Addiction.” Jude Gavin, son of Dan Gavin of Addictions Victorious, developed the original...
5 Highlights of 2021

5 Highlights of 2021

1. We Gathered What a blessing to gather with 130 like-minded women and men at our 5th Annual TAC Leadership Summit to learn from, encourage, and connect with each other this year! To watch the sessions from past Summits, click here! SAVE THE DATE for next year:...
What Should the Church Do About Addiction?

What Should the Church Do About Addiction?

It’s Christmas Eve and yet I cannot get over the fact that fentanyl is reportedly the #1 killer for people ages 18-45 according to the CDC. People seek their usual drug of choice only to discover too late that it was fentanyl laced—that’s what is killing...
Advent: Meditations for Addicts

Advent: Meditations for Addicts

Advent: Meditations for Addicts by Mark Shaw & Shirley Crowder  – Read for Free with Kindle Unlimited! “In one very factual way, encouraging one another to keep Christ central in Christmas is rather naive. CHRIST is central in CHRISTmas! Christmas is totally...
Addicts Make the Best Evangelists

Addicts Make the Best Evangelists

Guest Post by Josh Brunk, Executive Director of Village Mercy Ministries “Addicts make the best evangelists.” This was my introduction to Dr. Mark Shaw when he visited The Mission House in Port Orchard, Washington. He spoke this to encourage those of us in the...
93,000 Souls

93,000 Souls

Which statement alarms you more? 1) More and more people are dying each year to drug overdoses. 2) More and more people are dying from drug overdoses, and they don’t know Jesus Christ as their Savior!   If you are a Christ-follower, I hope statement #2 moves you...
Obtain an Addictions Counseling Specialization

Obtain an Addictions Counseling Specialization

As you may have heard in today’s podcast, we are thrilled to announce the launch of Addictions Counseling Specialization: Education Phase online course, created in collaboration with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC) and Grace Counseling...
Is “Harm Reduction” the Correct Term?

Is “Harm Reduction” the Correct Term?

Needle exchange programs are often celebrated as “reducing harm” but that terminology is deceptive. Recently, I was interviewed in this WORLD Magazine article related to recent legislation in the state of West Virginia that is hindering efforts at “harm...
Harm Reduction vs. Transformation: Cope or Hope

Harm Reduction vs. Transformation: Cope or Hope

By Mary Shaw, with Mark Shaw and Tim Brown Is harm reduction really reducing harm and saving lives? What are the benefits of the harm reduction programs where needles are exchanged and free Narcan is distributed?  Tim Brown of His Steps Ministries and Dr. Mark E. Shaw...
Who is Your Community?

Who is Your Community?

Post by Dr. Mark E. Shaw (with Mary Shaw)       Bad company When you hear the term, “Bad Company,” are you flashing back to the band and the 80’s song? (Paul Rodgers) [1]   Or are you thinking about the Western by the same title?   Whatever you might...
Meet CJ & Misty Who Run Addiction Program & Cafe

Meet CJ & Misty Who Run Addiction Program & Cafe

Guest post by Mary Shaw The Refuge & The Cellar More than just a Coffee Shop…Meet an Ordinary Couple God is Using in Extraordinary Ways, for His Glory  “It’s not easy. It takes commitment. But men come [to us] from all over the U.S. …and God has been extremely...
6 Ways to Guard Your Heart

6 Ways to Guard Your Heart

Guest post by Dr. Cindy L. Jones, CABC Recently the Lord took me back to Proverbs 4:23 which says,  Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. As I pondered this scripture my thoughts turned toward one of the promises Jesus made. The...
This is “Classic TAC”!

This is “Classic TAC”!

Guest post by Mary Shaw “Because it feels like an island sometimes…” We often hear people on the front lines of ministry to those struggling with addiction say they definitely are in need of help and especially encouragement. If you are committed to a genuinely...


By Mark Shaw There were many takeaways and life lessons from 2020 but I want to highlight 3 of them now: 1. We’ve Deceived Ourselves Into Believing that We Can Control the World Around Us I read a secular training program that was offering “skills for living in...