Addiction Recovery Programs During a Pandemic

COVID-19 has disrupted the world’s systems and that includes the addiction and recovery world. I’ve been thinking about both the positive and negative consequences. THE BAD Many people who are diagnosed in the world’s system with substance use disorder (SUD) are more...

Sobering Centers: An Effective Solution?

Harvard professor and author Gene Heyman. Ph.D. had this to say about a community’s response to addiction, “We typically do not advocate incarceration and medical care for the same activities” (2009). Consider this: When caught, a thief goes immediately to jail....

Addicts: An Unreached People Group?

By Mark E. Shaw, D.Min. This post originally appeared on the Biblical Counseling Coalition by Mark E. Shaw on April 29, 2015. It has been reposted with permission.   With over 2 billion people worldwide lacking access to a Christian person, an evangelical church, and...

For Parents of a Prodigal: Hope Through the Pain

This article by Mark E. Shaw, D.Min., originally appeared on The Biblical Counseling Coalition November 15, 2017. It has been reposted with permission.   Apart from the death of a child, one of the deepest hurts a Christian parent can experience is that of having...

Referring an Addict For Detox and Medical Care

By Mark E. Shaw   Staff Note: This article originally appeared at The Biblical Counseling Coalition on June 13, 2018. It has been reposted with permission.   Two questions I am often asked are, “When do I refer an addict I am counseling for a medical detox?”...

How Do You Pray for Your Prodigal?

by Brenda Payne I have heard it said the greatest battles are won on our knees! It is in fact, parental helplessness that forces us from a standing posture of “I can fix this” to a kneeling posture of “Oh, God, help, only You can fix this.” It’s not enough to pray...

“It pleases me to please me.”

by Oliver Underwood Why is addiction increasingly prevalent? Soak This In! While reading these stats1 you will see points marked in bold font. Do not think numbers! Instead, think fathers, mothers, grandparents, and children. Percent of adults aged 18 and over who...

Great Advice for ALL Parents

A note from Shirley Crowder: One of the wonderful perks of being part of a Christian publishing family is all the great Christian authors I get to meet. When I saw this blog by my friend Sheryl Holmes posted on her site earlier this year, I knew I had to share it here...

Salt Of The Earth

by: Gregory Kirk Jesus said, You are the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13 NIV). “Salt” is a noun describing a chemical substance that acts upon its environment to change it. “Inert” by contrast, is an adjective describing any sluggish substance...

Don’t Just Settle for Sobriety – PART 2

Be Filled with the Holy Spirit by Bill Hines In Part 1 of this blog it is my hope that I made the point that sobriety, either from a substance (alcohol, other drugs) or an activity (i.e., gambling, pornography, cutting) is not the goal of the command, “don’t get...

Don’t Just Settle for Sobriety – Part 1

by Bill Hines In ministry to addicts I have observed a tendency to make a mistake that I made as a young Believer. We think that because someone is no longer addicted to something they are doing well. When this is our attitude we settle for too little and we may end...

Do you need an extraction?

by Shirley Crowder One morning I noticed an ingrown toenail causing a little irritation on my big toe. I was on my feet a good part of that day, and before long the irritation turned to pain. By that evening my toe was throbbing and felt like I had a needle pushing...

The Only Fix That Truly Satisfies

The first 27 years of my life was spent searching for this fix in every nook and cranny the world had to offer, all of these places were outside of Jesus Christ, of course. The last 15 years of my life I have found it absolutely impossible to find it anywhere other...

Life Dominating Sins and Addictions

by: Julie Ganschow Their idols are silver and gold, The work of man’s hands. They have mouths, but they cannot speak; They have eyes, but they cannot see; They have ears, but they cannot hear; They have noses, but they cannot smell. They have hands, but they...

Addicts or New Creations?

by: Justin Lakemacher What is the identity of Christians in the process of transformation? One of the more common questions that comes up when working with Christians in the process of transformation is a question of identity.  Should Christians refer to themselves as...


by: Gregory Kirk What an interesting word.  In fact, I am pretty sure I just made it up. However, my definition of demandingness is an “expectation that our demands will be met either by others or God.” We demand that people treat us in the way we believe they should....

Compounding the Trauma of Rape

by: Anne Dryburgh, PhD Suffering is always involved when people come for counseling. Over the years, I have met with women suffering from depression, childhood abuse, marital abuse, and addictions. Perhaps one of the toughest is when a woman tells me that she has been...

Dealing with Yourself

by Julie Ganschow Therefore, we also have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him. 2 Corinthians 5:9 (NASB) I know quite a few women who are very studious and diligent in studying the Word of God. They attend women’s study groups, and are...