by Mark Shaw | May 27, 2015 | Biblical Counseling, Current Events, Vs. Psychology
You must read this solid article by a non-Christian on why ADHD is not a problem in France but IS a problem in the USA. Interesting fact from the article is that less than 0.5% (not even 1%) of French children are diagnosed ADHD while 9% of American children seem to...
by Mark Shaw | Mar 8, 2015 | Biblical Counseling, TRANSFORMED, Uncategorized
I find it so heart-wrenching when counselees refuse to believe the truth about their sin and their desperate need for a Savior. Undeniably, there will always be stubborn, unwilling, and unrepentant counselees who are not enthusiastic about walking in newness of life....
by Mark Shaw | Jan 21, 2015 | Uncategorized, Vs. Psychology
Here is a provocative article about the Dr. Leon Eisenberg, the father of ADHD, who admits his theory of ADHD is a “fictitious disease.” I know I will receive a lot of complaints about this blog post and the link to this Freedom Outpost article but I am...
by Mark Shaw | Jan 20, 2015 | Biblical Counseling, Heartbeat of TIL, Post by Rachel, Posts by Mark
Rachel Shaw, my daughter who loves to write, wrote a 5-paragraph journal entry about how microscopic cells are similar to Truth in Love Ministries. Read her journal entry below and learn about cells and the similarity to our ministry: Cells are microscopic organisms...
by Mark Shaw | Jan 10, 2015 | Addiction, Biblical Counseling, Current Events, Partnerships
The Addiction Connection (TAC)’s main goal is “Connecting the Hope of the Gospel to the Heart of Addiction.” The TAC team hosts a meeting every so often. And this fall, we are meeting on August 25, 2014 in Chaffee, NY. Steve & Melanie Hammond...
by Mark Shaw | Jan 1, 2015 | Uncategorized
It always humbles me to see others appreciate the hard work that goes into a book. And it is even more humbling when someone emails to say that a book has encouraged them in their walk with Christ. Both have happened with the new Paul the Counselor book that I edited...
by Mark Shaw | Dec 25, 2014 | Addiction, Uncategorized, Vs. Psychology
What the public often fails to realize is that ANY drug has side effects. Some of society’s “acceptable” psychotropic drugs are very scary like Remeron (aka Mirtazapine) which Robin Williams was prescribed and taking at his death. Remeron is a...
by Mark Shaw | Oct 27, 2014 | Announcements, Biblical Counseling, Truth in Love Staff
Glean biblical insights from 23 leading biblical counselors from all over the United States. Some of the writers in this book include Bill Hines, Ed Bulkley, David Tyler, Howard and Pam Eyrich, Herbert Gooden, Jeff Young, Tim Mullet, Alonza Jones, Shirley Crowder,...
by Mark Shaw | Sep 27, 2014 | Addiction, Truth in Love Staff
You don’t have to feel depressed, hopeless, or angry about your “unfixable” problem of “addiction.” The Lord provides HOPE and practical HELP for Internet, TV, and video game addiction in His Word, the Bible! In today’s modern day...
by Mark Shaw | Sep 24, 2014 | Posts by Mark, Vision of Hope
Eating Disorders: Hope for Hungering Souls is written by Dr. Mark Shaw (Executive Director, Vision of Hope), Rachel Bailey (previously Intern, Vision of Hope; now Recovery Coach, Houston Eating Disorders Center), and Bethany Spence (previously Intern, Vision of Hope;...
by Mark Shaw | Apr 23, 2014 | Devotions, Life Lessons, Post by Rachel, Posts by Mark
Before we begin today, we’d like to encourage you to read Jeremiah 35. It will be very helpful to you as you continue reading this post. Lessons from this passage: The Lord tells Jeremiah to offer wine to the Rechabites. The Rechabites refuse to drink wine...
by Mark Shaw | Jan 12, 2014 | Biblical Counseling, Vs. Psychology
Have you heard the latest psychological heresy that isn’t even officially approved by the psychological experts yet…but has clearly been accepted by some parts of our society? It’s called AFFLUENZA and it is clearly affluenza season right now in the...
by Mark Shaw | Jan 1, 2014 | Devotions, Uncategorized
It’s the new year so it’s time for a new perspective, especially in light of new year’s resolutions. So here we go… I have dear friends who say things like, “Brother, you are a believer so you can drink alcohol.” It’s a true...
by Mark Shaw | Oct 15, 2013 | Announcements, Church Life, Marriage, Vs. Psychology
True story from this past Sunday, October 13, 2013:–106594/ First of all, I’m truly sad. I’m sad about the situation, sad...
by Mark Shaw | Sep 24, 2013 | Marriage, Uncategorized
Ok, it’s the Guys time to be scrutinized a bit. Relax and enjoy, Fellas! It’s all for your spiritual growth. Read with open minds! It is so sad to me today that young men in their 20’s run away from marriage. Marriage is a good gift from God meant to...
by Mark Shaw | Sep 22, 2013 | Church Life, family, Marriage
Now, this blog is written in a spirit of fun so just relax and try not to get offended when you read it, Ladies! We’ll pick on the Gentlemen next! Having counseled for thousands of years now (ok, not that long but it sometimes seems like it), I find it...
by Mark Shaw | Sep 18, 2013 | Current Events
A week ago today, I commented on a television program that the most dangerous person on the earth is someone like the person described in Proverbs 18:1: Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment. You will be able to see...
by Mark Shaw | Jul 18, 2013 | Addiction, Current Events
So there I am watching in disbelief the craziness associated with the George Zimmerman trial when I see a report on the ticker below that a young, 31 year old male Hollywood actor pronounced dead after being found alone in a hotel room. Knowing NOTHING of this man, I...
by Mark Shaw | May 28, 2013 | Announcements, Biblical Counseling, Vs. Psychology
This insightful article by Paul Tautges utilizing Jonathan Holmes’ great work tells us that there is trouble in the psychiatric/psychological world: Downplaying the DSM – Psychiatry’s ‘Bible’ When the National Institute of Mental Health...
by Mark Shaw | May 24, 2013 | Addiction, Announcements, Scripture, Vs. Psychology
Read this article from the NY Times about the psychiatric bible’s expansion of the definition of addiction: http://// One telling quote from the...