I think it is always good to biblically evaluate programs and their content. In a previous blog, I cited The Berean Call article critiquing Celebrate Recovery, a widely popular program dealing with hurts, habits, and hang-ups in addicts’ lives. It is a well organized and nicely done program; however, my concern is with the message it promotes, especially with the terminology it uses.
Two blogs from The Cripplegate gave a more in-depth critique than I have time to give here so I want to give you both of those links so you can read about C.R. and where it goes astray from biblical teachings:
That’s the first part and it centers upon the isogesis problems in C.R.’s handling of the Scriptures.
The second link is:
The second article focuses upon key doctrinal teachings that C.R. addresses inaccurately at times. I was surprised to see this article cite my books and work as an alternative to C.R. at the bottom of this blog post.
Again, my C.R. brothers and sisters have a great desire to help others and are trying to bridge the gap between the church and current self-help programs that claim to be spiritual not religious (and are really secular). My desire is to see C.R. participants go deeper in the Word and to be more faithful to the Word of God when helping those struggling with what the world calls “addictions” and the Bible calls “sin” or “idolatry.”
-Mark (hoping you will read these articles and examine the truth for yourself)