As Christians who are “found,” we must be compassionate toward those who are lost.
Do lost people know they are lost? Romans 1:18 and following says that unbelievers “suppress the truth” in their “unrighteousness” meaning they push the truth under the table because they want to continue to sin. This is tough stuff, I know, but the indication is that those who continue to live sensually know that they are denying the truth.
They may not think they are lost because they are deceived and deceive themselves, but when they meet their Creator in heaven on Judgement Day, they will then realize how wrong they were.
We need to be urgent in reaching the lost for Christ! One of our core values says: “Lost people matter to God. He wants them found.” It’s our responsibility to share the Good News that God saves sinners (like us!) from hell through His Son Jesus Christ.
-Mark (grateful that biblical counseling gives me opportunities for evangelism)