So much of the messaging in the addiction treatment world is geared toward a combination of steps and human efforts to stop the drinking and drug use.

At The Addiction Connection, we aim higher, because we know human efforts alone ultimately fail.


This is a fully-online curriculum/course to help people in any addiction struggle focus on deeper heart desires and engage with the biblical approach. These videos have a clear message of hope that’s only found in Jesus!

Course Highlights:

  • Hear the truth about addiction in love and compassion from Dr. Mark E. Shaw in his signature, Gospel-centered, gracious, and kind manner.
  • Understand why traditional works-based or step-based programs trick you into believing falsehoods that cause failure, and how you can overcome them.
  • Learn the biblical foundations of addictive desires and gain the tools needed to fight them effectively.
  • Embrace a vibrant new life in Christ by walking daily with Him, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you for God’s purposes and His glory.
  • Discover practical, biblical strategies for breaking free from sin, renewing your mind, and embracing righteousness through the power of the Holy Spirit.


Curriculum Outline:

Video Lesson Title
Lesson 1 The Power to Change Comes from Christ
Lesson 2 Addiction is a Spiritual Problem
Lesson 3 Addiction is Sin
Lesson 4 Know Who You Are
Lesson 5 Be Honest
Lesson 6 Perish the Perishing Mentality
Lesson 7 The Battle for Truth
Lesson 8 Put off Sin
Lesson 9 Renew Your Mind
Lesson 10 Put on Righteousness
Lesson 11 Be Controlled by the Holy Spirit
Lesson 12 Be Transformed!


This online, on-demand course is available with a COUNSEL Membership, which also includes over 300 hours of biblical content, training, and materials to help the addict, counselor, and family members and friends of addicts. It’s also the easiest way to support the work and mission of The Addiction Connection.

In Christ, you can achieve lasting victory over addiction.

Victory for The Heart of Addiction