Ever think about that question? I didn’t until I was challenged with how to make disciples using that metaphor growing a forest. Similar processes: growing a forest and making disciples (Matt. 28:18-20). How so, you ask?
Growing a forest requires planting. One tree must begin to grow near another tree. Trees must be added and must grow TOGETHER (in community). Trees must yield seeds and more trees must grow together in community, side by side. Disciple-making is not just learning but DOING together! It’s more than book knowledge – it is living together! It is MORE than simply hearing a sermon! It is speaking the truth in love to others in community and in life (Eph. 4:15).
Growing a forest takes time. Disciple-making takes time. Eventually, you have a forest that is healthy and grows slowly over time. That’s the goal of disciple-making: health and steady, slow growth. It’s not glamorous – it’s hard work!
So let me urge you to live your life side-by-side others to make disciples of Christ! Open your home and your heart and your life to others so that they might learn and be challenged by you!
-Mark (grateful for the men who have discipled me over the years like my Dad and several other men!)