By Dr. Mark E. Shaw & TAC Team based on several recent teachings from Dr. Mark E. Shaw.

Take a look at this photo we took recently. Looks like a barber shop is open for business, doesn’t it?

But upon further examination… 

You walk up the sidewalk and through this entry to discover you have been duped. It is just a fun place to have lunch with your family (see the picnic table inside the shady area). 

Definition of façade from Merriam Webster dictionary is:

1: the front of a building also any face of a building given special architectural treatment
2: a false, superficial, or artificial appearance or effect

There is a façade I want to warn you about– the false, superficial disease concept of addiction.

Have you or a loved one been told they are incapable of making good choices because the brain has been rewired from drug use? Have you or a loved one been instructed to “treat” a drug use “disorder” with medicine that must be swallowed, injected, or absorbed through the skin for the rest of your life? 

With the goal of avoiding overdose death, or stopping incessant cravings and finally living a “normal” life, many in the drug addiction field have such good intentions. They want to save lives. But the description of the problem is faulty from the start.

We have some better news and hope than being tethered to a potent and controlled prescription for the rest of your life. Jesus sets people free from the bondage of desires for a ”fix” to the brokenness you (or your loved one) are experiencing.

But first… the truth in love (Eph. 4:15) is required.

James 1:21-25

Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. 22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. 24 For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. 25 But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.

If you will “receive with meekness” the truth that the problem is a problem from within your heart desires (not a problem of the body desires) then forgiveness from sins of desiring a pleasure or an escape can be granted by a loving Father who knows all about your hidden pain and scars.

Planned, repeated, and habitual return to drug use (or alcohol or heroin or tobacco) is superficially being justified as a disease (pay attention to that word, “justified”) that has overtaken the body. But the deeper truth is that you (or your loved one) are experiencing a spiritual issue with bodily consequences. The physical effects in the body are there– we don’t deny that you need to seek a doctor’s advice on how to gradually get your body totally off the drugs you are using. But it needn’t be a lifelong process of fighting a physical and mental bondage. 

Just have a look at some of the many testimonies of people who have totally forsaken their lifestyle of drug and alcohol use… these Christ-followers are not turning back because they have found something better in Jesus Christ and His people.

The disease concept is a façade.

A dangerous, enslaving, artificial set of lies that will keep you stuck… 

Are the well-meaning physicians, clinicians, and other helpers are simply afraid there is no other way to keep you or your loved one alive than to offer you this empty answer?

Our message is one of hope— for this life and the life to come. Don’t despair! There is hope for a clean heart and a renewed mind in Christ! You CAN experience immediate hope, and future eternal hope. It’s all found in a relationship with Jesus Christ, who forgives sin.. all sin.. when you come to Him empty handed and broken hearted about your choices. 

You may have failed to seek Him first. You may have failed to seek Him at all. But if you have failed, Jesus has forgiveness for you.

Jesus sets men and women, boys and girls free from the painful path of choices that enslave the body and mind.

Jesus transforms lives and restores hope.

This future with Jesus is possible only by faith. It is not by good “steps” or good works.

You cannot reform or transform yourself. There are no STEPS to freedom from spiritual bondage. There is only a totally NEW LIFE – completely transformed and always transforming.

You must be born again (John 3:3). Jesus provides justification (there’s the Biblical use of the word “justified”!) That means forgiveness of sins that makes you clean in God the Father’s sight. 

You must be transformed in your thinking by being renewed in your mind about life, death, and drug use altogether.

Jesus provides that new belief system by His Word of truth being implanted in your heart and mind and understood rightly by the Holy Spirit’s indwelling every believer. We want to teach you a better Way.

 “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:1-2

It’s something God does in His children. You cannot “DO” transformed on your own. The Bible passage uses the passive voice (be transformed) intentionally. It’s something you need God’s Word, God’s Spirit, and God’s people speaking the truth in love to you to experience.

Let us help you begin that journey with Jesus today. Won’t you contact one of The Addiction Connection’s residential program leaders today?

And if you have been set free—totally free—from addiction, would you please share this information with someone? Freedom in Christ is the Hope of the world. And YOU are part of the plan!

Mark E. Shaw, D.Min., CABC, ACBC, IABC, CADAC II, Founder of The Addiction Connection, is a biblical counselor, ordained minister, speaker, and author of 29 books and booklets of hope and help. Dr. Shaw has been involved in counseling since the early 90’s. He previously served in residential care and medication assisted treatment centers (methadone), but making disciple-makers through Biblical Counseling became his passion in 2001. Mark currently serves his local church in Florida as the Nocatee Campus Pastor of Counseling at First Baptist Church Jacksonville.

Dr. Shaw’s resources are found at Focus Publishing and Christian Book Distributors. He can also be found at

The Addiction Connection is Here for You!

The Addiction Connection is a network of ministries who offer hope in Jesus for those struggling with addiction of any kind. Our network of encouraging resources, ministries, and biblical programs that stretch across America and the world will always point people to truth in Jesus Christ for answers.

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