Start a Biblical Disciple-Making Program!

You might be familiar with various programs with “steps” for addiction recovery—even “Christian-oriented” ones. 12 StepsAlcoholics Anonymous (AA), and Celebrate Recovery (CR) may come to mind.

Our program takes the Next Steps beyond the goal of recovery and sets the eternal goal of TRANSFORMATION through Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word! 

With over a decade in the making, this 100% digital-access curriculum has everything you need to start ministering to addicts in a small-group setting right where you are, right now.


With short, scripture-saturated video lessons taught by Dr. Mark E. Shaw, a counselor, disciple-maker, and author of over 20 publications, including of The Heart of Addiction: A Biblical Perspective, this curriculum is the fuel that the local church needs to start a transformation revolution across the world.


Transformation doesn’t happen alone nor automatically

This biblical curriculum depends upon Christ, His Word, the community of a local church, and God’s Spirit to work in the hearts of the participants. 

By His grace, God will enable you to help the addicted take the Next Steps to Be TRANSFORMED.



What’s Included

  • A Leader’s Guide – Video & Manual (.pdf download)
  • 2 curriculum guides with Advanced Assignments for Going Deeper to enhance the study
  • Online access to 66 pre-recorded video lessons (over 15 hours of teaching!)
  • Downloadable student handouts for every single lesson
  • 15 months of weekly curriculum which enables you to build long-term relationships

What You Need:

  • Your Bible
  • Small group leaders to help you lead the discussion times
  • Internet access to play the videos for your group
  • Ability to print the student handouts for each lesson
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Next Steps: Be TRANSFORMED - A Disciple-Making Program for Addicts
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