Can you present the Gospel without mentioning the bad news that we all have a sin problem that is going to kill us and send us to a real place in eternity called Hell?
Sin is a vital ingredient of the Gospel like apples are a vital ingredient to apple pie!
We have a sin problem yet no one talks about sin.
People will talk about their psychological label with pride, saying things like: “I’m an alcoholic” as though it’s a badge of honor. It has now become this badge of honor to people when it used to be (and biblically, still is) a sin issue.
The world has changed the way they look at sin and turned it into a “sickness problem” to make it acceptable, normal, and a diagnosis that can’t be helped.
However, God does not.
His Word does not. God calls sin what it is: sin. Because sin exists, we need a Savior. God knows we need a Savior greater than all of our sins.
Share the Gospel today and share the reality of sin with someone.
Don’t be afraid of the truth. The truth sets captives free.
-Mark (acknowledging my sin and desperate need for the Savior, my Lord Jesus Christ)