by Mark Shaw | Mar 24, 2009 | Biblical Counseling, Posts by Mark
Cough syrup is a drug in liquid form. Likewise, alcohol is a drug in liquid form. So why do we think of alcohol differently than we do other drugs? Why does our culture put it into a totally different category? Some say, “alcohol is legal” but so are other...
by Mark Shaw | Mar 20, 2009 | Biblical Counseling, Posts by Mark
Parents are going to pay a price either on the FRONT end or the BACK end for how they teach OR fail to teach their children. If you INVEST your time and energy to discipline your children in the Lord (Eph. 6:4) while they are young, the investment will pay off down...
by Mark Shaw | Mar 7, 2009 | Biblical Counseling, Posts by Mark
It is March 1st in Birmingham, AL, when I wrote this…and it’s snowing for the first time all year. So I thought to myself, what if we had visitors to our city today from Asia and they only came to B’ham today. What would they think about our city?...
by Mark Shaw | Mar 2, 2009 | Posts by Mark, Truth in Love Staff
Physically, when young people smoke cigarettes, it is said that it “stunts their growth” primarily because it suppresses their appetite. Thinking about this same concept in a spiritual sense: what suppresses our appetite for spiritual food from God’s...
by Mark Shaw | Mar 1, 2009 | Biblical Counseling, Posts by Mark
Physically, when young people smoke cigarettes, it is said that it “stunts their growth.” Do you know why that is? The answer: it suppresses their appetite. They do not eat because their natural, God-given desire to eat is suppressed. Now, let’s...
by Mark Shaw | Feb 28, 2009 | Biblical Counseling, Posts by Mark
From Genesis 3 and Matthew 4 when Satan tempted Adam & Eve (who failed) and Jesus (who succeeded!): 1) You can do anything you feel like doing! Obey your appetites! 2) You will not have any consequences for your selfish choices! 3) You are your own god and you do...