Addiction-Proof Parenting: Biblical Prevention Strategies
Find out how Addiction-Proof Parenting hinges upon changing your child’s thinking to be Christ-centered rather than self-centered.

Divine Intervention: Hope and Help for Families of Addicts

Cross Talking: A Daily Gospel for Transforming Addicts

Hope and Help Booklets
- Hope and Help for Gambling
- Hope and Help for Self-Injurers and “Cutters”
- Hope and Help for Sexual Tempation
- Hope and Help for TV, Video Game, and Internet “Addiction”
- …and more!
While certainly not comprehensive, these short booklets are full of practical directives and biblical teachings. These Hope and Help series of booklets are intended to serve as launching points for biblical counseling and disciple-making relationships. Use them in the context of formal biblical counseling ministry in your local church or as a helpful tool in discussing difficult topics with trusted Christian friends. Bulk discounts are always available at Focus Publishing by calling 1-800-913-6287.

Pursuit of Perfection: A Biblical Perspective

How Not to Raise an Addict
By Category
For the Addict
- The Heart of Addiction: A Biblical Perspective by Dr. Mark E. Shaw
- The Heart of Addiction: A Biblical Perspective Workbook by Dr. Mark E. Shaw
- The Heart of Addiction: A Biblical Perspective Leader’s Guide by Mark and Mary Shaw
- Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave by Welch
- Just One More by Welch
- The Transformation Series: Fentanyl
- The Transformation Series: Vaping: Hope Through the Gospel
- The Transformation Series: Destigmatizing Addiction
- The Transformation Series: Am I Enabling?
- Cross Talking: A Daily Gospel for Transforming Addicts by Dr. Mark E. Shaw
- Hope for New Beginnings: Devotions for the Adventure by Shirley Crowder
- Advent: Meditations for Addicts by Dr. Mark E. Shaw and Shirley Crowder
- Easter: Meditations for Addicts by Dr. Mark E. Shaw and Shirley Crowder
For Family Members of Addicts
- Divine Intervention: Hope and Help for Families of Addicts by Mark E. Shaw
- Understanding Temptation: The War Within Your Heart by Mark E. Shaw
- Family Help for Addiction: A Care Group Study – a 12 part online video series/online curriculum offered by The Addiction Connection, taught by Dr. Mark E. Shaw
- The Transformation Series: Fentanyl
- The Transformation Series: Vaping: Hope Through the Gospel
- The Transformation Series: Destigmatizing Addiction
- The Transformation Series: Am I Enabling?
For Women
- Glimpses of God: Winter Devotional for Women by Crowder and Michael
- Glimpses of Prayer: A Devotional by Crowder and Michael
- Glimpses of the Savior: 30 Meditations for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year by Crowder and Michael
- Prayer Warrior Confessions by Crowder and Michael
- Glimpses of God: Autumn Devotional for Women by Crowder and Michael
- Glimpses of God: Summer Devotional for Women by Crowder and Michael
- Glimpses of God: Spring Devotional for Women by Crowder and Michael
- A Call to Discipleship by Heck
- Through the Lens of Scripture – Shirley Crowder’s website for resources for women
Emotional Abuse, Rape, Trauma
- The Emotionally Abusive Parent: Its Effects and How to Overcome Them in Christ by Anne Dryburgh, PhD.
- Debilitated and Diminished: Help for Christian Women in Emotionally Abusive Marriages by Dr. Anne Dryburgh
- (UN) ASHAMED: Christ’s Transforming Hope for Rape Victims by Dr. Anne Dryburgh
Youth and Teens
- Cross Talking: A Daily Gospel for Transforming Addicts by Mark E. Shaw
- Easter: Meditations for Addicts by Shaw and Crowder
- Advent: Meditations for Addicts by Shaw and Crowder
- Hope for New Beginnings: Devotions for the Adventure by Eyrich and Crowder
- Glimpses of Prayer: A Devotional (Prayer Project) by Shirley Crowder and Harriet E. Michael
Addiction "Care Group" Curriculum
Addiction Workbooks
Relapse: Biblical Prevention Strategies (a stand alone workbook)
Biblical Counseling Ministry Tools
- Strength in Numbers: The Team Approach to Biblical Counseling
- Curing the Heart: A Model for Biblical Counselors
Theological Building Blocks for Biblical Counseling by Nicolas Ellen
Introduction to Biblical Counseling by Dr. Nicolas Ellen
The Dynamics of Biblical Counseling by Dr. Nicolas Ellen
Common Issues We Face in Life by Dr. Nicolas Ellen
- A Biblical Counselor’s Approach to Marital Abuse: Roadmap to Reunification by Ganschow and Schlacks
- Questions on the Heart Level by Ganschow
- Hope and Help Through Biblical Counseling by Mark E. Shaw
- Paul the Counselor: Counseling and Disciple-Making Modeled by the Apostle by edited Shaw and Hines
Addiction Counseling Ministry Tools
Idolatry of the Heart
Idols of the Heart: Learning to Long for God Alone by Elyse Fitzpatrick
You Can Change: God’s Transforming Power for Our Sinful Behavior and Negative Emotions by Tim Chester
Hope for the Past, Present, and Future
- Leaving Yesterday Behind: A Victim No More by Hines
- Hope for New Beginnings: Devotions for the Adventure by Eyrich and CrowderEmotional Abuse, Rape, Trauma
- The Emotionally Abusive Parent: Its Effects and How to Overcome Them in Christ by Anne Dryburgh, PhD.
- Debilitated and Diminished: Help for Christian Women in Emotionally Abusive Marriages by Dr. Anne Dryburgh
- (UN) ASHAMED: Christ’s Transforming Hope for Rape Victims by Dr. Anne Dryburgh
Addiction "Disease Theory" & "Recovery" Worldview
Spiritual Growth, Temptation, and Sin
- Understanding Temptation: The War Within Your Heart by Dr. Mark E. Shaw
- Killing Sin Habits by Scott
- From Pride to Humility by Scott
- Just Like Jesus: Biblical Strategies for Growing Well by Moser
- (Moser’s resources and downloads available at www.biblicalstrategies.com)
- With All Your Heart? Identifying and Dealing With Idolatrous Lust by Dr. Nicolas Ellen
- Pursuing Godliness Through the Disciplines of the Christian Faith by Nicolas Ellen
- Precious Truths in Practice: Holding Fast to God When you are Overwhelmed by Peace
- The Process of Biblical Change by Ganschow
- The Process of Biblical Heart Change by Ganschow and Roeder
- Changed into His Image by Berg
- The Dangerous Duty of Delight: Daring to Make God Your Greatest Desire by Piper
- Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World by Mahaney
Sexual Sin
- Hope and Help for Sexual Temptation
- Finally Free by Heath Lambert
- A Biblical Guide to Counseling the Sexual Addict
- At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry
- Living Beyond the Heart of Betrayal: Biblically Addressing the Pain of Sexual Sin
- Watch an interview clip of Dr. Lambert about pornography here.
- Living Beyond the Heart of Betrayal: Biblically Addressing the Pain of Sexual Sin by Julie A. Ganschow
- Addiction Proof Parenting: Biblical Prevention Strategies by Dr. Mark E. Shaw
- How NOT to Raise an Addict by Dr. Mark E. Shaw
Teaching a Child to Pay Attention Proverbs 4:20-27 by Dr. Daniel R. Berger II
- The Truth About ADHD by Daniel R. Berger II
- Cultivating a Good Family Heritage by Armand and Kathy Tiffe
Mental Illness
- Saving Abnormal: The Disorder of Psychiatric Genetics by Daniel Berger II
- Suicidal Ideation: A Biblical Perspective for Counselors by Daniel Berger II
- Rethinking Depression: Not a Sickness Not a Sin by Daniel R. Berger II
- The Insanity of Madness: Defining Mental Illness by Daniel R. Berger II
- The Chemical Imbalance Delusion by Daniel R. Berger II
- The Truth About ADHD by Daniel R. Berger II
- Mental Illness: The Necessity for Faith and Authority by Daniel R. Berger II
Eating Disorders
Chronic Illness and Pain
- Self-Esteem, Self-Image, Self-Love by Nicolas Ellen
- So, You Want to Get Married by Nicolas Ellen
- Hope and Help for Marriage by Mark E. Shaw
- A Biblical Counselor’s Approach to Marital Abuse: Roadmap to Reunification by Ganschow and Schlacks
We would appreciate an opportunity to get to know you. Please introduce yourself to us by sending an email to info@theaddictionconnection.org