Fentanyl On the Rise: What the Local Church Can Offer

Fentanyl On the Rise: What the Local Church Can Offer

by Dr. Mark E. Shaw (with TAC Team) The issue of fentanyl is getting significantly worse over time – it killed 40,000 people in 2021. This DEA report is information from the graphs and statistics that the CDC collects (read more). Why is fentanyl on the rise? It is...
Acts 4 and Addiction Ministry

Acts 4 and Addiction Ministry

By Dr. Mark E. Shaw A Little TAC History Ten years ago, The Addiction Connection officially launched with 12 national leaders in the biblical approach to addiction who met together in Cleveland, Ohio. After more than a year of praying and planning, the ministry began...
Anxiety and Its Remedy

Anxiety and Its Remedy

by Dr. Mark E. Shaw (with TAC Team) Anxiety is all around you. You don’t have to look very hard to see you live in a fallen, broken world. There is a lot to be anxious about. The future is uncertain and full of surprises yet since mankind’s Fall in Genesis, it...