by Mark Shaw | Nov 5, 2008 | Posts by Mark, Teaching, Truth in Love Staff
I Sam. 16:7 says: “But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” – The...
by Mark Shaw | Nov 5, 2008 | Posts by Mark, Teaching, Truth in Love Staff
Think about it – According to the Bible, the entire human race began in the first chapters of Genesis as God created Adam from the dust of the earth and formed Eve from the rib of Adam. These first two people were married by God and then they...
by Mark Shaw | Nov 5, 2008 | Posts by Mark, Teaching, Truth in Love Staff
Charles Darwin devised a theory that changed the world. His theory greatly impacted the field of psychology, too, which affects how we view counseling. In fact, in one old psych textbook of mine, an entire page was dedicated to Darwin’s theory and how it brought...
by Mark Shaw | Nov 1, 2008 | Posts by Mark, Teaching, Truth in Love Staff
I just read an article about a man who placed two bets on the World Series – one bet for each team! He couldn’t lose it all, but he couldn’t win it all either! To me, this is a cowardly bet. Think about it spiritually: Are you living out your life...
by Mark Shaw | Oct 26, 2008 | Posts by Mark, Teaching, Truth in Love Staff
I don’t know any 4 year olds who are atheists. When you ask a 4 year old, “is there a God?” they almost always say “yes.” Why? Because God’s image is stamped upon everyone! We are created in His image. Any 4 year old knows that!...
by Mark Shaw | Oct 21, 2008 | Posts by Mark, Teaching, Truth in Love Staff
So many believe the lie that a divorce is going to fix their marital problems! It’s simply not true. A divorce simply complicates and frustrates the relationship. When the couple has children, it further adds problems as children hear each parent destroy the...