Read EASTER: Meditations for Addicts
Announcement by TAC Team
Join The Addiction Connection in preparing for and celebrating Easter and the joy of reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ by reading along with us in your own copy of EASTER: Meditations for Addicts.
If you haven’t already, order your copy of the book today, so that you can start reading with us on Sunday March 16, 2025, which is five Sundays before Easter.
What is the Meditations for Addicts Series About?
“The Meditations for Addicts series is comprised of meditations for those struggling or suffering with addiction. Everyone, not only those with an addictive habit, needs as much biblically-oriented help as we can obtain to facilitate our being more and more transformed into the image of Christ. It is important to note that when we use the term “addict” that we are not categorizing or demeaning any person struggling or suffering with an addiction. Instead, we use the term because it is the term that most people in society know.” (Crowder and Shaw, p.13)
For a complete discussion of how biblical Christianity de-stigmatizes addiction altogether, way more than the world’s solutions ever could, check out Mark E. Shaw’s new book, Destigmatizing Addiction: Hope Through the Gospel (Focus Publishing, Bemidji, 2023)
Where can I order EASTER Meditations for Addicts?
EASTER: Meditations for Addicts is available for purchase in hard copy or digitally and your purchase helps support The Addiction Connection continue its mission.
What is the Background and the Purpose of the Book EASTER: Meditations for Addicts?
The resurrection of Jesus from the grave is what we celebrate every Easter. The devotional EASTER: Meditations for Addicts was written by Founder and Co-Founder of The Addiction Connection, Dr. Mark E. Shaw and Miss Shirley Crowder, as part of a series along with the book ADVENT: Meditations for Addicts to help us focus on the meaning of this pinnacle celebration.
Reconciliation of God to man through the shed blood of Jesus on the cross—this is what happened at the first Easter and so we spend the entire Easter season thinking on how these beautiful truths of the good news apply to our hearts in the struggle against all sin, not just sins associated with an addicted lifestyle.
For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross (NIV). Colossians 1:19-20
How do Christ-followers demonstrate their celebratory excitement about Easter season? Shirley and Mark bring this to light in a neat comparison. They answer:
“with the fervor you might have if your favorite team was in the Super Bowl or a championship game! … You are no longer deserving of punishment on a cross but graciously and mercifully set free for the purpose of giving God your love and service to others for His glory alone.” (Crowder and Shaw, p. 151)
That’s why we joyfully proclaim the story of Jesus’ redemption in our lives!
“As we continue telling the story, singing the song, and delivering the message, we show our Savior to everyone everywhere so that they have the opportunity to ‘come to the truth of God.’ Our fully God, Jesus became fully man and walked the “path of sorrow” to bring us salvation that enables us to live victorious lives here on earth and to praise Him for all eternity. Jesus walked this path because the son of Man [came] to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10) in order to reconcile us to God (2 Corinthians 5:17-19).” (Crowder and Shaw, p.225)
What is the Focus of EASTER: Meditations for Addicts?
“If God had not sent his son Jesus to earth as one-hundred percent God and one-hundred percent man, to be born and to die on a cross, we would have no answer before God for our sin—it could not have been atoned. Easter would not exist, because no one else but the perfect Son of God could atone for our sins” (Crowder and Shaw, p. 13).
Mark and Shirley bring focus to the Easter season for all believers, not just those who are struggling from addictive habits of sin. Choosing a drunken state over comfort from God brings harm to self and others, but there is good news for those who have heard the call of Jesus to turn away from choosing to gratify our own self-centered desires.
The good news for Christ followers, according to Shirley and Mark is:
“You can rest assured that your guilt and shame are covered by the blood of Jesus. Those sinful things you have done in your addictive past are now forgiven and are no longer what define you. Your identity now is different. You are a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). You are not simply recovering from an addiction by being a better version of your old self. No, instead, you are transforming like a caterpillar that becomes a beautiful butterfly who can fly and be carried along by the wind, except it is the Holy Spirit that carries you! This is transformation and it is found at the cross when you lay your sins at the feet of Jesus” (Crowder and Shaw, p.150-151).
The Addiction Connection is Here for You!
The Addiction Connection is a network of ministries who offer hope in Jesus for those struggling with addiction of any kind. Our network of encouraging resources, ministries, and biblical programs that stretch across America and the world will always point people to truth in Jesus Christ for answers.
Quick Links
- Need a Biblical Residential Program? Here are some we recommend.
- Need a Biblical Non-Residential Program? Here are the ones we’d recommend.
- Here is a list of people we have trained in biblical addiction counseling through our Commissioning Program who you can reach out to for hope and help.
- Looking for biblical addiction counseling training? Find out about our Commissioning Program HERE.
- Looking for STORIES of hope about FREEDOM from sin and addictive lifestyles? Go here.
- Are you a leader who wants to help those who are addicted? Check out this disciple-making curriculum we created just for you entitled Next Steps: Be TRANSFORMED.
- Want to reach out to families of those struggling with addiction? Family Help for Addiction: A Care Group Study can be used by your church or ministry.
- Want to start a group at your church for parents of prodigals? This new VIDEO COURSE is for you!
- Looking for addiction resources, courses, curriculum? Find out more HERE.
- Are you more of a podcast-listener-while-you-get-things-done? The Addiction Connection Podcast is just for you!