by Mark Shaw | Jul 15, 2011 | Church Life, Truth in Love Staff
I live in Alabama. There are two sports teams in Alabama that play college football: The University of Alabama and Auburn University. These two rivals are talked about on sports radio 365 days a year, unless it’s a leap year which makes it 366 days a year. Every...
by Mark Shaw | Jul 10, 2011 | Church Life, Truth in Love Staff
Don’t we say the dumbest things when we speak Christianese? The word, “minister,” means “to give service to the necessities” so someone who says after a praise song, “That really ministered to me,” is saying that the really...
by Mark Shaw | Jul 7, 2011 | Church Life, Truth in Love Staff
There is a new language out today, especially in the South, called “Christianese.” Maybe you already speak it and just do not know it! Seminary students are infected with it like a virus. They argue the finer points of pre-millenialism and post-modernism...
by Mark Shaw | Jun 8, 2011 | Church Life, Truth in Love Staff
I know pastors who would NOT attend their churches if they were not the pastor! Isn’t that amazing? Some of these guys are only there either because they believe they are called there or they are simply in it for the money (which is really crazy since there...
by Mark Shaw | Mar 29, 2011 | Truth in Love Staff
The epidemic I see most often in biblical marriage counseling cases I am privileged to serve in are passive husbands and assertive wives. The two go hand in hand, unfortunatlely, and I blame the husband for much of this problem (though wives are not totally without...
by Mark Shaw | Mar 27, 2011 | Truth in Love Staff
To wives: Want a transformed marriage? Then, why don’t you change first? Allow the Lord to do a work in your heart and learn to submit to Him, then pray for Him to work on your husband’s heart next – all the while, your husband is witnessing your...