This article was written with assistance from TAC team

Why Does Relapse Occur?

Someone with six years of sobriety said he returned to his addictive choices. There were no physical reasons like cravings or withdrawal for his return. Clearly, his physical body was clean and free from the physical entanglements of addiction so why did he go back to the miry pig pen and relapse? 2 Peter 2:22 is a picture of relapse and says:

“What the true proverb says has happened to them: “The dog returns to its own vomit, and the sow, after washing herself, returns to wallow in the mire.”

I really want Recovery from my addiction. What can I do?

You may have heard that relapse is a necessary part of your process of recovery. But God can rescue, redeem, adopt, and transform you and give you new relationships in His family.

God can rescue from an addictive lifestyle of recovery, and repetitive relapse after relapse. He offers more than recovery… He offers transformation into a brand new identity. In Christ you are adopted as sons and daughters. God wants to provide you with a new family. God is a relational being and He designed you to be in relationships that will pull you out of the miry pig pen of relapse and into a new life of freedom.

So How Does God Help Someone Who Has Relapsed?

You need help. Everyone does. You especially need help if you have relapsed! God’s support group is the local church. Solid churches that teach the Word of God, offer small groups, and provide individual biblical counseling are essential for the transforming addicted person.

If you have relapsed, the good news is that you are able to permanently leave addictive lifestyles with support from a local church and counseling help. But you cannot do this on your own. You must ask for help. Contact your local church and ask them to disciple you.

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But I am Not Sure if God Really Can Help with Addictions. I am Desperate for Hope.

We want to share the truth of the good news in the love of the Holy Spirit (Eph 4:15) with you. God is setting people free from addictions when He transforms them by His truth. Forgiveness in Jesus Christ is available. His Word is true, and He is faithful to His promises. If you have an addicted loved one in your family, read Parents of a Prodigal: Hope Through the Pain.

Eternity with Christ Jesus and your Heavenly Father and a new identity here on earth await those who trust in Jesus for forgiveness of sins. All sins can be forgiven, not just the misuse of a substance.

Jesus is the one described as “Faithful and True” coming on the white horse in Revelation 19:11.

Trust His assessment of the world’s sin problem. Everyone has a sin problem. Yours is not too big for Him to handle. Addictive pleasures may always be here on this earth, but His freedom is available today!


You can get some very affordable basic fundamental training in addictions biblical counseling here.

E Fundamentals Photo



The Addiction Connection is Here for You!

The Addiction Connection is a network of ministries who offer the hope of transformed lives through Jesus Christ for anyone struggling with addiction of any kind. Our network of encouraging resources, ministries, and biblical programs that stretch across America and the world will always point people to Jesus Christ and the Word of God for answers. 


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