Tomorrow night, I’ll be speaking in New Jersey on the subject of addictions. One of the things we will likely discuss is the impact of an addiction upon a marriage.

Addiction is a SIN not a disease as the world teaches. Often, a spouse caught in the trap of addiction is committing sins against a spouse (like adultery, spending money on the wrong things, and stealing) but there are sins of omission, also, like failing to love a spouse, failing to honor a spouse, failing to spend time together centered around spiritual things, and more.

It is often the sins of omission that have a greater impact upon the marriage than sins of commission!

So, an addiction impacts a marriage greatly, but it is NOT a sin problem that cannot be overcome! The power of Christ provides everything we need to overcome this sin nature problem and the answers are in the truthful Word of God when we call it sin and use the correct terminology for addiction.

If your marriage is suffering, then I urge you to look to Christ, find a biblical counselor, and turn to God’s Word for answers. Then, do it – do what the Lord says to do in His Word of truth, the Bible (James 1:22).

-Mark (thankful for this opportunity to teach in NJ at Addictions Victorious)

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